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Top 10 Tips For Renovating Your Home

Renovating your home is a huge decision and should not be taken lightly. In this article, we outline our top tips for renovating so you can make the most informed decisions when it comes to redesigning your living space. 

1. Plan with the Future in Mind

Consider how you intend to use your house in the future. Because your requirements may vary over time, build with adaptability in mind. Create spaces that may be used for numerous purposes and are easily adaptable. A spare room could be used as an office today and eventually as a nursery or guest room. 

Choose materials and finishes that will withstand long-term use, especially in high-traffic areas. While more expensive initially, durable materials can save money in the long run because they don't need to be changed as frequently.

2. Keep it Consistent 

To achieve a harmonic flow throughout your living spaces during a renovation, consistency is essential.

Begin by establishing your aesthetic: choose and stick to a design style or theme, whether it's mid-century contemporary, Scandinavian, rustic, or something different. When choosing materials, colours, and finishes, make sure they complement one another, even if they are not identical. 

3. Choose the Right Colours

Consistent design leads to choosing the most appropriate colour schemes for your space. The goal is to create a coherent aesthetic rather than a uniform one. Maintain a similar colour palette throughout your home, but experiment with different tints and tones of those colours in different places. 

Colours have a significant impact on the mood of a room. Dark tones may lend depth and warmth to small rooms, while light colours can make them feel larger and more open.

4. Maximise Natural Light

Make an effort to plan your spaces around maximising your natural light. During a renovation design, maximising natural light will turn your areas into bright, open havens. 

Begin by considering window placement: larger windows, skylights, or glass doors can all significantly boost light. Open floor plans should be used wherever possible to allow light to flow freely. Translucent window treatments provide privacy while yet allowing light to enter. 

Mirrors can also be carefully placed to reflect light into darker corners, increasing overall brightness. Doing this not only brightens your home but can also give the impression of wider areas.

5. Focus on High-Traffic Areas

Kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms are high-traffic areas that require specific attention during house renovation designs. These areas must be both practical and long-lasting, so they are able to tolerate repeated use over time. 

Select high-quality materials and finishes that can withstand wear and tear, such as hardwood flooring or quartz countertops. Prioritise efficient arrangement ideas in key areas to improve movement and comfort. Remember that investing in these popular areas in your home not only improves daily life but can also increase the market value of your property, making the initial renovation costs beneficial in the long run.

6. Balance Between Aesthetics and Functionality 

During home renovations, striking a balance between aesthetics and practicality is essential for creating places that are both beautiful and functional. While a gorgeous design might add to the visual appeal, it must also fulfil practical purposes. 

Begin by knowing your lifestyle and needs, and then let these guide your design decisions. Remember that great design marries form and function harmoniously.

7. Create Efficient Storage Solutions

Efficient storage solutions are essential for keeping your house organised and clutter-free. Identify spaces where storage can be effortlessly integrated throughout a renovation design, such as beneath stairs, in wall recesses, or even under the kitchen island. 

Choose built-in wardrobes for bedrooms and bespoke cabinetry for bathrooms and kitchens. Furniture with several functions, such as mattresses with drawers or coffee tables with storage, can provide additional hidden room. Remember to personalise your storage to your specific requirements - if you have a huge book collection, make sure you have enough shelving; if you have children, make sure you have easy-access storage for toys. Storage that is well-planned is a game changer in home design.

8. Use Mirrors and Light Fixtures Strategically

When renovating a home, using mirrors and light fixtures strategically will greatly enhance the ambience and perceived size of your areas. Mirrors placed to reflect natural light or an impressive view outside can brighten a room and provide the impression of more space. 

Light fixtures are also both practical and decorative. Layered lighting, which includes ambient, task, and accent lighting, can accommodate many needs and moods. Dimmer switches provide versatility to your home by allowing you to modify lighting settings to suit different activities or times of day. 

9. Remember the Ceiling

The ceiling, which is often overlooked during renovations, plays an important part in determining a room's aesthetic and ambience. Consider imaginative treatments such as architectural mouldings, beams, coffered designs, or even wallpaper to give depth and character in addition to a fresh coat of paint. 

Colour can also be used to change the perception of room size - a lighter ceiling can provide the illusion of height, while a darker ceiling can make a huge room appear cosier. Integrating well-placed lighting fixtures or a statement chandelier can improve the aesthetic appeal of your ceiling. 

10. Get Professional Renovation Design Help

Don’t be afraid to seek professional help from an experienced renovation designer. Here at MLDG, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive service and design ideas at a fraction of the cost compared to an architect. 

Contact our expert team today to discover how we can provide design support and value to your home renovation project on 1300 224 699 or contact us here.